
Salutations! You can call me Slappy!I do art commissions, twitch streaming, and write the occasional fanfic.COMMISSIONS PAGE UNDER RECONSTRUCTION!Please do not interact if you are a minor! 🔞 All of my socials may contain NSFW content.

Get to know me

What's up, y'all can call me Slappy!She/her, 25+, bisexual as fuck, and the world's #1 Eiko Carol stan.
I have chronic loving Hermes FFXIV disease.
I'm big into video games, mostly RPGs, Nintendo games, and co-op multiplayer stuff. Final Fantasy IX is my most favorite game of all time and it holds a very special place in my heart (● ´□` )❤ FFXIV is on that same level as well!I play a TON of FFXIV. Mostly on Crystal DC!
I founded the ever-growing UNXIVIL raid community! Our name is pronounced "uncivil" and is very fitting for our group, w are like a very rowdy Olive Garden. If you are intersted in a raiding community focused on improvement in a safe community please hit me up!
I am so deep in the Hermes loving soup. There is no saving me. If you follow me prepare to see him and his other selves 24/7.

Do Not Interact

Yo don't uhhh fucking talk to me if you:

  • Are a minor

  • Are any kind of LGBTQ+ phobic

  • Like to police people's identities

  • Are uncomfortable with me reclaiming the word "queer"

  • Cannot critically consume media

  • Think fiction doesn't affect reality

  • Think fictional tastes always directly correlate to a person's morality

  • Like to throw around words like "abuser" or "pedo" without any sort of proof (y'all please,,, don't make it harder for people to identify people ACTUALLY harming others)

  • Call out people for posting shit you dislike instead of blocking/muting

  • Ship IRL people together

  • Are not pro-Black Lives Matter

  • Support the phrases "All live matter" or "Blue lives matter"

  • Don't respect your fellow humans or understand the struggles marginalized people face

  • Are a bigot / racist / TERF etc.

  • Like to bully / troll people

  • Voted for Trump or support any of those types of shitheads

  • Support NFTs / AI Art